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Marés com louros (2)_edited.jpg

14 minutos | Colorido |  2022 | Vitória, ES  BRASIL | DOC | LIVRE


Marés (2022) é um documentário que tem o relato de vivências e memórias de três pescadores, Adão, Pepeu e de Baianinho e de um dos últimos carpinteiros navais da capital do Espírito Santo, seu Zé Adega; intercalado com a história de um “monstro marinho” que apareceu na Baía de Vitória em 1984, contada com animação e encenação. Como todas as histórias de pescador: é tudo verdade.

Report of experiences and memories of three fishermen, Adão, Pepeu and Baianinho and of one of the last naval carpenters of the capital of ES-Brasil, Seu Zé Adega; it also has the story of a “sea monster” told with animation. Like all fisherman stories: it's all true.

THE FILM MARÉS BRINGS LOVE FOR THE SEA AS A PROTAGONIST A small group of fishermen and one of the last shipwrights who share their passion for the sea is what Marés brings to us, the documentary that will have its release in Brazil, at the 1st Brazilian Festival of Sea Culture now in July and worldwide at the 9th Festival of Manchester Short Films in England in August. The script was based on the invisibility of this social group, artisanal fishermen from the capital Vitória, ES, Brazil. Their life reports are interspersed with the short story of a “sea monster” that appeared in the region in 1984, but which was actually a right whale, which is infrequent in the waters of Espírito Santo. After listening to fishermen's stories at Eno's house, director Thais Helena Leite decided to bring fishermen's stories to movie screens. “The film has a very free approach, combining the experiences of elderly people, with a playfulness provided by the animation and soundtrack, composed especially for the film by maestro Lino Ramos, with the participation of Léo de Paula”. It will be available on the internet in September. This film has the support of Fase, the Department of Arts of Ufes, Funcultura and the Secretary of Culture of the Government of the State of Espírito Santo.

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"o monstro marinho"
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